These days it might seem a bit unnecessary to spend money on something like storage. With financial uncertainty looming overhead, many people are cutting costs and curtailing spending. They’re also staying at home a lot more than they ever have before. This can quickly lead to cramped living spaces, or the sudden realization that your home wasn’t quite as roomy as you once thought. A storage unit, even a small one, can open up a lot of space in your house. If you’re careful about how you place your belongings inside even the smallest of storage areas, you can fit entire rooms into a single closet-sized space. This kind of freedom will cost you very little, but it can completely change the way you feel in your own home.
Since many of us have been working from home, we’ve all come to appreciate just how quickly your home can feel far smaller than it is once you’ve spent too many consecutive days inside. Maybe you’ve cleaned all you can clean, rearranged furniture to best suit the flow of traffic. Made too many micro-adjustments to your floor plan to count, or feel like you’ll go mad if you spend even one more day without completely rearranging the furniture. Even if you move your couch to the other side of the room, it’s still going to be the same room. Moving things completely out of your house though? That can have a big impact on how a room feels. Anyone who is familiar with moving from home to home can attest; a new house feels very different when it’s empty.
That sense of emptiness can be very liberating, as it allows you to best figure out which configurations of furniture work, and which don’t. Often a stressful move will have you emptying everything into your house first, and then working backwards to figure out where everything goes after. That ends up potentially being just another stressful step during a move. But if you aren’t moving, what then? Where do you put everything? All that space you have in the garage has been full of boxes, the attic isn’t big enough or sturdy enough to move any truly heavy furniture into. What if you could liberate that space and still have all your belongings safe and sound?
This is where self storage truly shines, it seems unnecessary at first, perhaps a luxury, but in a time where stress in your life can be at an all-time-high, you’d be amazed how much good it can do you to simply get things out of your way. Affordable, month-to-month leasing makes it pretty hard to regret your decision, after all, even if you decide you don’t need to add another bill to your pay cycle this month, it’s as easy as picking your things back up and bringing them home. That’s the true benefit of self storage: always there if you need it, never a problem if you don’t. Give your inner redecorator free reign over your house, take a month to move things out and then maybe ‘move in’ to your own home over a few days or weeks, carefully planning every step to best suit your new lifestyle. You will almost certainly never regret spending a little time on making your house feel like home again.